
Showing posts from July, 2012

Akar Tetaplah Akar

Meski daun berganti daun Akar tetap sama Meski bunga berganti bunga Akar tetap sama Meski biji telah arungi cakrawala Akar tetap sama Dari daun hijau menjadi kuning Dari daun kuning menjadi merah Dari daun merah menjadi cokelat kerontang Dari cokelat kerontang sampai gugur melawan angin Akar tetaplah akar Dari kuncup hingga mekar Dari mekar hingga penyerbukan Dari penyerbukan sampai berbuah Atau hanya layu tanpa buah Akar tetaplah akar Menopang batang rapuh yang Entah sampai kapan akan bertahan Mencengkeram tanah dalam kebutaan Menyerap air Tapi membiarkannya mengalir Menuju pucuk batang Akar tetaplah akar Sebuah siklus yang tiada terputus Demikian seakan Nasib rakyat bangsaku

The Usual

I don`t know how to start it. My name is DOS. I am just usual people. Live like another people live. And do anythings as usual. I was born in usual condition. Entry usual school. And learn like usual student learn. My name have never called in flag ceremony because I have got an achievement nor because of violation have I made. Everything in my live is usual. In my class that contains 24 students, I just get middle position. I am weak in many subject. But not too weak so my teachers need to call me to their room. Maybe for many people, this live style is usual, normal. But it is boring me. I like to read, read everything. And from what I have need I know that, trillion or more people have lived in this earth. But, just a very little of them whom other people remember until the long time after they died.