
Showing posts from February, 2013


untuk yang tercapai tapi jauh Dan yang terjauh takkan bisa mencapai Yang Tidak Tercapai Bahkan yang terjauh takkan bisa mencapai yang tercapai tapi jauh Karena yang tercapai tapi jauh sudah menunggang bulan Sementara yang terjauh terperosok ke dalam Jurang Keputusasaan dimana hari telah meratap pada Awan-Awan Karam Lebam Hilang

Anak-Anak Sepi

O, kawan Di saat hari tengah gelap dan sunyi Dia datang dari pucuk-pucuk bukit Menyerbu, menerjang kubangan tanah kami Ia telan rumah-rumah kami Ia seret lempar harta benda kami Ia seret ternak-ternak kami Bahkan ia bunuh anak-anak kami Dan kami di sini Pada jalan-jalan besi yang terpotong Berjejal-jejal pada tenda-tenda terpal Bergeletakan letih dengan perut perih Sementara baju-baju kami telah basah Oleh rintik-rintik Saat air hujan seakan tiada akan berhenti Dan dingin bergelayut pada tiang, badan, dan Hati kami bermurung pada sunyi, sepi

A Motor Gang Terror in the Town Square

Hi, my name if Ryo. I will tell you the story of mine when I was in senior high school. I will not forget that afternoon.   I and my friend, Joni, went to the Town Square afterschool. Yeah, of course you know that at the time we were still senior high school students. I and Joni had concluded to play some online games and buy some new game installations in a computer game shop and center in the Town Square, for some refreshing after confusing a schools subject. We rode my motorcycle, a newest series of Honda Tiger, to the computer game shop. As soon as after we arrived in the parking area, I got off from my motorcycle and told Joni to park the motor. Then, I ran fast to take comfort place and queue before the shop become crowded as usual. While I was waiting Joni finished to park my motor cycle, I was starting my game. But, after a few minutes, Joni didn`t come. I became worried. I wanted to check him, but I had started my game. I tried to wait a few times again. “Maybe Jon