A Motor Gang Terror in the Town Square

Hi, my name if Ryo. I will tell you the story of mine when I was in senior high school. I will not forget that afternoon.  I and my friend, Joni, went to the Town Square afterschool. Yeah, of course you know that at the time we were still senior high school students. I and Joni had concluded to play some online games and buy some new game installations in a computer game shop and center in the Town Square, for some refreshing after confusing a schools subject.
We rode my motorcycle, a newest series of Honda Tiger, to the computer game shop. As soon as after we arrived in the parking area, I got off from my motorcycle and told Joni to park the motor. Then, I ran fast to take comfort place and queue before the shop become crowded as usual.
While I was waiting Joni finished to park my motor cycle, I was starting my game. But, after a few minutes, Joni didn`t come. I became worried. I wanted to check him, but I had started my game. I tried to wait a few times again.
“Maybe Joni is walking to get some snacks or maybe he is meeting with a pretty girl,” I told myself.
Then, after fifteen minutes, Joni still didn`t come. I conclude to get out and search him. I walked to the one only parking area in the Town Square. Because Joni had left his mobile phone before went to school, I couldn`t find him easily so I had to find him manually.
Finally, I found Joni. He was hiding below a car. He seemed worried and frightened.
“What happened Joni?”, I asked him.
“Oh, thanks God you`ve found me, buddy!”, he said and tried to stand up.
“What the thing just happened on the earth is this?”, I asked him again.
“I tried to park your motorcycle here but unfortunately, I broke other motorcycle near yours. It seemed more expensive than that. I tried to act normally and show that there was nothing happened. But, a black-clothe man pointed at me, loud, and than, ran after me. He seemed like a member of motor gang. I was frightened so I tried to hide here.”, he replied long.
“So this man has made you frightened?  How embarrassing you are.”
“Oh, you don`t understand. Wait, wait until you see him with your own head. Or, maybe yours will be cut and khhhk, you died.”
“Oh, come on, let`s go back to the game shop.”
We turned and started walking. But, in the front of parking area, there was people using black clothes, a motor gang. One of its members pointed at us and loud.
“Hey, you, stop there!”
“He is the one I told you, we have to go!” Joni said worriedly
“No, I can handle this, buddy. Hi guys … hey!”
Joni didn`t let me finish my word, grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from there.
“What do you think, idiot! They are too much. You will die unless!”
 “So do you have better idea?”
“Run, buddy, run to the game shop and hide there”
We ran as fast as we could. Then, we hide in the computer game shop and hoped that they will not find us. But, we heard motor bikes sound came closer and then stepped in front of the game shop. Then, the man Joni told me came in.
“He has found us, we will die.” Joni said very terrified.
He walked to us very relax and satisfied. I and Joni were really frightened but I tried to stand and face him. He was closer and closer, and then he stepped in front of us and picked something from his pocket. I think it was a knife but, when he raised it up, it was a key, a key of my motorcycle.
“You have left your key, buddy.”
“But, but, why do you … ah, who are you?”
“I am an actor and I am here to take some scene for a movie about motor gang. I am sorry if I have made you terrified. Bye!”
After gave the key to me, he got off from the game shop. So, whose motor bike has Joni broken? I thought it in the way exiting from the game shop. I tried to remember the motor bike, the newest series that not every people can buy, and the design, it seemed familiar. Oh, yeah, I saw it in front of my school last week. But, I thought again and conclude to let this problem gone. It can be different motor bike, but why I still felt worry?
I and Joni then walked to the parking area in the silence. I told Joni not to make small problem as a big problem again. Joni then smiled and said sorry. But, in the parking area, a man using big black glasses walked to us and coughed. He was looked familiar. He was our new headmaster.
“Guys, do you know whose motorbike have you broken?”
Oh, no! Now, we will totally end.


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